Regular shifts

Student and staff member groups of the University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences can apply for sports hall shifts. Other shift requests are handled on a case-by-case basis.  Available shifts can be inquired by sending an email to When allocating shifts, priority is given to student groups.

Regular shifts' terms of use

​​​​​​​These terms of use apply to all regular shifts operated by UniMove. When applying for and receiving a shift, the customer agrees to abide by the terms of use and the rules of the sports venue. Failure to do so may result in loss of shift. 

Shift user 

  • The shift is only for the group indicated in the application. The shift or part of it must not be dealt forward. 
  • A booking confirmation specifies the time and place of the shift. The shift is considered received unless it is canceled separately in accordance with these terms of use. 
  • A contact person must be appointed for the shift. The person in charge of the shift will take care of obtaining the key or code required for the sports venue and will be responsible for them. They must not be passed on to outsiders. 
  • All participants in the shift must be students / staff of the universities.

Use of facilities and equipment 

  • In the sports facilities you can only engage in suitable forms of exercise or other separately agreed activities. 
  • In addition to the allocated sports venue, there are dressing rooms in use, unless otherwise agreed. 
  • The user can use basic sports equipment of the sports facility, such as game nets and goals. The equipment must be used properly and returned to its proper place. In the event of a breakdown of equipment, UniMove must be notified immediately by email The user will compensate for the damage caused. 
  • All users must follow the order and the instructions of the staff in the sports facilities. The user ensures that the doors remain closed during the shift. The user also makes sure that no unauthorized persons enter or stay in the premises during the shift. 
  • The shift schedule is followed and the sport facility must be empty at the start of the next shift. 
  • Alarm systems will be installed in accordance with the shift schedule. The shift user is responsible for the alarms and their costs caused intentionally or unintentionally. 
  • The sport facilities must be left in a clean and proper condition. If the user causes the need for additional cleaning, the user will be charged for additional cleaning. 

Cancellation of the shift 

  • UniMove has the right to cancel the shift temporarily. Those who lose their turn are not entitled to compensation for the lost turn. If the group no longer needs a shift, it must be canceled as soon as possible by e-mail 

Updated 25.6.2024. All rights reserved.